Cobra 29 LTD Chrome CB Radio

The Cobra 29 LTD CHR chrome mobile cb radio has that nice shiny case and look to it. Let's admit it,
who doesn't like the look of chrome with it's sleek, shinny, and reflective surface. Chrome also has physical
properties that reduce corrosion as well. Not to say you're going to dangle your new Cobra mobile unit
outside in the rain.. lol, but it's nice to know anyhow. Please note, this radio is not waterproof, were only
making the comment that chrome is weater resistant compared to most metals.
Truckers that are looking for an attractive mobile cb radio, should give this 29 LTD Chrome a serious
The Cobra 29 LTD Classic has a new look! This new model adds; chrome cabinet, chrome microphone, blue channel
LEDs and signal strength meter. Professional driver-requested improvements include a front panel microphone
connector (for convenient in-dash installation), a 9-foot microphone cord (for easy reach anywhere within the cab),
and tactile controls (for added convenience and safety when adjusting functions). It's the number one choice
of professional drivers!
Setting The Cobra 29 LTD CHR chrome's TalkBack:
This control is used to adjust the desired amount of modulation talk back that is present at the speaker during
transmit. At fully counter-clockwise position the talk back is off. Talk in a normal voice into the